CaRT Decision Trees

Derek Andersen and Joanne Chau

chefboost Package

We will be utilizing the chefboost package to build our CaRT trees. chefboost is a simple to use Python package for building decision tree models that supports ID3, C4.5, CART, CHAID and regression tree algorithms.

In [ ]:
# Install chefboost package 
!pip install chefboost
Collecting chefboost
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.14.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from chefboost) (1.18.5)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.30.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from chefboost) (4.41.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pandas>=0.22.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from chefboost) (1.1.4)
Requirement already satisfied: pytz>=2017.2 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from pandas>=0.22.0->chefboost) (2018.9)
Requirement already satisfied: python-dateutil>=2.7.3 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from pandas>=0.22.0->chefboost) (2.8.1)
Requirement already satisfied: six>=1.5 in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from python-dateutil>=2.7.3->pandas>=0.22.0->chefboost) (1.15.0)
Installing collected packages: chefboost
Successfully installed chefboost-0.0.6

We will be using chefboost and pandas since CaRT models focus on implementation of data sets.

Classification Tree

In [ ]:
from chefboost import Chefboost as chef
import pandas as pd

Load and view the dataset.

In [ ]:
# Load the dataset
classification = pd.read_csv("drive/My Drive/chefboost-master/tests/dataset/golf.txt")

# View the dataset
Out[ ]:
Outlook Temp. Humidity Wind Decision
0 Sunny Hot High Weak No
1 Sunny Hot High Strong No
2 Overcast Hot High Weak Yes
3 Rain Mild High Weak Yes
4 Rain Cool Normal Weak Yes
5 Rain Cool Normal Strong No
6 Overcast Cool Normal Strong Yes
7 Sunny Mild High Weak No
8 Sunny Cool Normal Weak Yes
9 Rain Mild Normal Weak Yes
10 Sunny Mild Normal Strong Yes
11 Overcast Mild High Strong Yes
12 Overcast Hot Normal Weak Yes
13 Rain Mild High Strong No

Training the model

The syntax for data configuration is:

{"algorithm" : "[Type of Algorithm to Apply]"}

There are more than just CART and Regression algorithms allowed for modeling training with the Chefboost package. I encourage you to explore all possible algorithms in their GitHub repository.

In [ ]:
config = {'algorithm': 'CART'} # Using the CART algorithm
class_model =, config)
CART  tree is going to be built...
Accuracy:  100.0 % on  14  instances
finished in  0.08057379722595215  seconds

Testing the model

Now we can create some dummy data to evaluate with our trained model.

In [ ]:
# Instances are of the form [Outlook, Temp, Humidity, Wind]
test_set = [
            ['Sunny', 'Cool', 'High', 'Strong'],
            ['Sunny', 'Cool', 'High', 'Weak'],
            ['Overcast', 'Cool', 'High', 'Weak'],
            ['Overcast', 'Mild', 'Normal', 'Weak'],
            ['Rain', 'Hot', 'Normal', 'Strong'],
            ['Rain', 'Hot', 'High', 'Weak']

# Evaluate
for instance in test_set:
  print(instance, "decision:", chef.predict(class_model, instance))
['Sunny', 'Cool', 'High', 'Strong'] decision: No
['Sunny', 'Cool', 'High', 'Weak'] decision: No
['Overcast', 'Cool', 'High', 'Weak'] decision: Yes
['Overcast', 'Mild', 'Normal', 'Weak'] decision: Yes
['Rain', 'Hot', 'Normal', 'Strong'] decision: No
['Rain', 'Hot', 'High', 'Weak'] decision: Yes

Regression Tree

In [ ]:
# Load and preview the dataset we are working with to understand features being used

regression = pd.read_csv('drive/My Drive/chefboost-master/tests/dataset/golf4.txt')
Out[ ]:
Outlook Temp. Humidity Wind Decision
0 Sunny 85 85 Weak 25
1 Sunny 80 90 Strong 30
2 Overcast 83 78 Weak 46
3 Rain 70 96 Weak 45
4 Rain 68 80 Weak 52
5 Rain 65 70 Strong 23
6 Overcast 64 65 Strong 43
7 Sunny 72 95 Weak 35
8 Sunny 69 70 Weak 38
9 Rain 75 80 Weak 46
10 Sunny 75 70 Strong 48
11 Overcast 72 90 Strong 52
12 Overcast 81 75 Weak 44
13 Rain 71 80 Strong 30

Training the model

This is where Chefboost can be confusing. Though it is simple to configure the data to understand what is needed, we demonstrated earlier that Classification trees use the CART algorithm. When using chefboost, remember that CART is for Classification trees and Regression is for Regression trees.

In [ ]:
# Train and configure the model using the Regression algorithm

config = {"algorithm" : "Regression"}
reg_model =, config)
Regression  tree is going to be built...
MAE:  3.4404761904761902
RMSE:  4.429339411136566
Mean:  39.785714285714285
MAE / Mean:  8.647516457211252 %
RMSE / Mean:  11.132989543251693 %
finished in  0.08156037330627441  seconds

Unlike the Classification Tree seen earlier, the Regression Tree shows how accurate they were and the margin of error between the instances. With this small training set, there is about a 8% error.

In [ ]:
# Compare our training to predictions 
# For a better understanding of the error 
# Utilizing line 4 from the dataset 

test_instance = [ "Rain", 70, 96, "Weak"]
prediction = round(chef.predict(reg_model, test_instance), 1)
actual = regression.iloc[4]["Decision"]
print("Prediction: ", prediction, "| Actual : ", actual, "| Error: ", round((actual - prediction), 1))
Prediction:  47.7 | Actual :  52 | Error:  4.3
In [ ]:
# Compare all predictions to accurate numbers
# Take the absolute value for error 

for index, instance in regression.iterrows():
  prediction = round(chef.predict(reg_model, instance), 1)
  actual = instance["Decision"]

  print("Prediction: ", prediction, "| Actual : ", actual, "| Error: ", round((abs(actual - prediction)),1))
Prediction:  25 | Actual :  25 | Error:  0
Prediction:  37.8 | Actual :  30 | Error:  7.8
Prediction:  46.2 | Actual :  46 | Error:  0.2
Prediction:  47.7 | Actual :  45 | Error:  2.7
Prediction:  47.7 | Actual :  52 | Error:  4.3
Prediction:  26.5 | Actual :  23 | Error:  3.5
Prediction:  46.2 | Actual :  43 | Error:  3.2
Prediction:  37.8 | Actual :  35 | Error:  2.8
Prediction:  37.8 | Actual :  38 | Error:  0.2
Prediction:  47.7 | Actual :  46 | Error:  1.7
Prediction:  37.8 | Actual :  48 | Error:  10.2
Prediction:  46.2 | Actual :  52 | Error:  5.8
Prediction:  46.2 | Actual :  44 | Error:  2.2
Prediction:  26.5 | Actual :  30 | Error:  3.5

Testing the model

Now we can create some dummy test set and feed it to our model for predictions. These test set instances are the similar to the ones we used for the Classification Tree example earlier.

In [ ]:
# Instances are of the form [Outlook, Temp, Humidity, Wind]
test_set = [
            ['Sunny', 50, 75, 'Strong'],
            ['Sunny', 54, 85, 'Weak'],
            ['Overcast', 43, 87, 'Weak'],
            ['Overcast', 65, 60, 'Weak'],
            ['Rain', 90, 55, 'Strong'],
            ['Rain', 98, 90, 'Weak']

# Evaluate 
for instance in test_set:
  print(instance , "Prediction: ", round(chef.predict(reg_model, instance)))
['Sunny', 50, 75, 'Strong'] Prediction:  38
['Sunny', 54, 85, 'Weak'] Prediction:  38
['Overcast', 43, 87, 'Weak'] Prediction:  46
['Overcast', 65, 60, 'Weak'] Prediction:  46
['Rain', 90, 55, 'Strong'] Prediction:  26
['Rain', 98, 90, 'Weak'] Prediction:  48